Panel colors, background and compositing...

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Nov 24 23:52:48 CET 2008

On Monday 24 November 2008, Davide Bettio wrote:
> Any opinion?

Yes, my opinion is that this is so wrong in so many ways.

If we copy the desktop background it will:

* end up looking stupid because with compositing it will be "wallaper over 
windows over wallpaper"

* be even less performant than what we have now

* be routing around the technology that is actually there for this exact 
purpose: compositing

> (Kicker used a similiar workaround for a lot of time).

in which case, you can have kicker back. work on it for a year or so then get 
back to me on it ;)

there are so many other  hacks kicker did that result in a poor user 
experience that we avoid even though it means without compositing you lose 
some features. one such example is panel autohide: it only animates when 
composite is available since it's the only way we've come up with to do it 
sanely (where "sane" is defined in this case as "works, has good performance 
and does't break on multiscreen systems")

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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