Panel offenders

Marco Martin notmart at
Fri Nov 21 15:44:44 CET 2008

Hi all,
i see that some applet still screw up when added in the panel, a thing i would 
like to have for 4.2 is a good behaviour of all the shipped as default ones, 
from a quick test the offenders aren't many and solutions could be pretty 
simple (enough to be "bugfixes, eheh:")

twitter     popupapplet? maybe anicer way should be to put the input text box 
in the panel and twits in the popup, but would require way more code
dictionary     popupapplet  more or less same considerations as twitter applet

nowplaying    some options: popupthing as usual or display just the current 
track or display just play/stop buttons (only buttins would be the saner?)

browser: popupapplet, don't see much other solutions, maybe doesn't have much 
of a point to be in a panel but just be sure it doesn't screw up everything :)

calendar   popupapplet (should have the icon modified to display the date or 
just display the date in the panel and no popup?)

all the two rss things:
news: popupapplet, using webkit it's a bit tricky, or perhaps display only and 
only one in the panel (oh, and vertical panels problem :/)

rssnow: also here just display a single news source, without titles or 
anything, to use less vertical space as possible, not sure if it's easily 
doable without a too big reorganication

Marco Martin

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