KDE 4.2 Toolbars

Matthias Fuchs mat69 at gmx.net
Thu Nov 13 00:18:18 CET 2008

Nuno Pinheiro schrieb:
> A Wednesday 12 November 2008 21:48:29, Matthias Fuchs escreveu:
>> Nuno Pinheiro schrieb:
>>> Well some time ago I sudgested to Celeste  that we should use in the
>>> thoolbars text along side icons instead of text under icons. Couse:
>>> [...]
>>> 2 Saves precious vertical space.
>> That is true, but keep in mind that if you do not run your apps in
>> fullscreen horizontal space becomes more important. I would have to try
>> it if there are apps where that would pose a problem.
>> One would be the German version of Akregator, because of the long text:
>> "Fetch Feed" = "Nachrichtenquelle abholen"
>> "Mark Feed as Read" = "Nachrichtenquelle als gelesen markieren"
>> ...
> a side note I consider important text along side does not make all that of a  
> difrence it just hads 26 pixels if the text is "Nachrichtenquelle als gelesen 
> markieren" the icon is the least of your concern as space wasting goes...

I think Aaron's right here that it mostly is a problem of Akregator.

But what I'm trying to explain is that in some cases you loose a lot
more than you gain. I know that there should be _one_ default-setting
and not multiple per-apps settings, though that future-default setting
should be elaborated a lot before it becomes default.

I added two screenshots just to illustrate the difference for Akregator.
Yes I know that's not a good example, but we have to *find* such
examples to fix them. That is something where localization and ui-layout
are a part of the problem as well as of the solution.
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