the final countdown
Riccardo Iaconelli
riccardo at
Tue Nov 11 07:43:03 CET 2008
On Tuesday 11 November 2008 02:23:07 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> and once we are through this week, oh my do we have a challenge ahead of
> us: just over 400 outstanding bug reports. between last night and today i
> closed over 40 of them. some aren't even ours! apparently moving the bug
> reports to another list was nice in that we weren't bugged by them here,
> but not so nice in that we just ignore them now. ;)
I'll be helping here, having so many bugs, please assign them to you if you're
working on it. So that we don't overlap. :-)
> seriously, the quality of our bug repo has plummeted in the last couple of
> months. starting next week, we need to try to get that back under control.
> i see no reason we couldn't set and reach 200 open bug reports (not
> counting wishlist items, obviously) as a goal for 4.2.0
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