plasma, panels, colours

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Fri Nov 7 09:57:42 CET 2008

On Friday 07 November 2008 03:39:40 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> i also understand, and accept, that there will be people who love an
> all-black approach. i hope that others can understand that our current
> default is not working out at the moment, if only because our downstreams
> are rejecting it outright (and replacing it with horrific results).

Hmm... I think that the only problem with the current style is that it doesn't 
look too great with maximised windows. I've seen many people hinted by the 
simple logic of "how cool it looks" to keep the windows not not maximised unless 
really forced to, and I personally begun to do that myself with KDE 4.

The root of this problem, IMHO, is that this situation unfortunately never seen 
in nuno's mocks, and in his testing, because he always uses rather large 
So it does indeed look gorgeous in his mocks and in his eyes with small windows, 
but you tend to notice this problem with maximised ones only after working for 
some time in a KDE 4 environment. There's too much contrast and this clashing 
gets to annoys you after some time.

I started myself an almost white (where the amount of white is similar the 
design of my site, just to give you an idea) plasma theme some months ago to 
solve this problem, but then I didn't have much time and it remained as an 
abandoned stub on my pc... if people want I can try to give it a go and 
resurrect it.

However, I really don't want to take over Nuno's direction on this field, which I 
think has been great until now, or, even worse, to step on his feet, it's just a 
suggestion for improvements. =)

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