taskbar: onlyGroupWhenFull

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 15:15:01 CET 2008

On Sunday 02 November 2008, Michael Rudolph wrote:
> 2008/11/2 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at kde.org>:
> > On Saturday 01 November 2008, Michael Rudolph wrote:
> >> How would that work?
> >
> > it depends if you want to just start an exploratory session or actually
> > pitch a mostly- or wholey-formed idea. but the essentials generally are:
> >
> > * be realistic
> > * be ready to test
> > * be ready to present tangibles beyond words
> >
> > broken down a bit more:
> >
> > "be realistic" means things that require technology we don't have access
> > to will probably not happen. it means knowing who our audience is and
> > isn't and staying reasonably within those lines. it means realizing that
> > changing a working component into something that is less likely to work
> > won't happen (creating a new component to experiment is realistic,
> > though)
> >
> > "be ready to test" means theorizing is not worth a whole hell of a lot on
> > its own. plasma is not philosophy, it's applied philosophy ;) so be ready
> > to show users mockups on paper, have them interact with things, do field
> > research, etc.
> >
> > "tangibles" means that if all you have is words and you aren't willing or
> > able to do at the least mockups it isn't going to happen.
> >
> >
> > come with some solid thoughts and prepared with the above three
> > principles and things can move.
> >
> > every time i've seen someone appear and end up with nothing happening
> > it's because they have failed on one or more of the above.
> >
> > --
> > Aaron J. Seigo
> Hi Aaron,
> now that's really great. Considering that I'm involved for quite a
> while now, a sooner note would probably have helped all of us.
> Regardless of the quality of my contributions so far, I think they
> show at least enough engagement to warrant such a note from you
> (anyone in the community) to tell me, that you don't know what to make
> of my contributions.
> I think your distinction between philosophy and applied philosophy is
> rather counter productive, but I won't go into that one; it'd probably
> be rather philosophizing than applied philosophizing :-)

just my 0.002€, i think there are different levels of phylosophy with 
different levels of abstraction, there are the general directions of 
"revolutionizing things", the ways of the plasma that we shouldn't foreget and 
maybe we have a bit of attitude to forget, but there are also concrete 
problems that probably there are different ways to approach more traditional 
or more innovative...

one of those is the taskbar: we need a quick way to recap what one is doig at 
any given time, the facilities we have are means to list processes and open 
windows, so the usual old "application centric" approach.
now, we should ask ourselves: what we want to acheive? and what are the 
limitations of our current machinery that makes it not possible to achieve 
what we want right today?

so in the end of the process think about something that work with the current 
infrastructure and that can make a smooth transition to what we want, both to 
not reinventing the wheel from scratch and to not piss off user (vista docet 
:p) it's probably a thing that probably should be done toghether programmers 
and designers

Marco Martin
> I thought we agreed in Frankfurt, when we briefly discussed the ways
> of the plamsa, that it would be better to keep the document rather
> abstract, to not simply present solutions, but rather point to
> mistakes of the past, show what's wrong with current user interfaces
> or metaphorically speaking: show the box people are in, so they can
> start to think outside of it themselves.
> I sure don't mind presenting my own ideas (and see them become a
> reality), that'd be absolutely amazing, but wouldn't it be much more
> productive right now to bring disruptive ideas to wake everyone up and
> thus allow everyone to come up with ideas of their own that are more
> than just variations of the win95 idea?
> So if you have something different in mind or are simply not satisfied
> with my execution on the ways of the plasma, just let me know. I'll
> gladly help plasma -- with what I have to offer.
> michael
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