system tray layout

Chani chanika at
Mon Dec 29 04:23:27 CET 2008

On December 28, 2008 16:03:07 Mathias Kraus wrote:
> hi,
> there seems to be a bug in the system tray with a vertical panel. instead
> grouping the items side by side, they are stacked, so that much space is
> wasted.
> the problem seems to be also in a horizontal panel. there are only two 
> even if there is space for much more rows.
> the following patch solves the problem. ok to commit?
> mathias

awesome :) that's been bugging me all week. commit!

one minor issue remains: on first load, the systray apps are a few pixels 
higher than they should be. once I expand and collapse the systray they're 
inside it properly (although they might be a bit lower than they should 
now). I wonder what causes that...

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