KRunner interaction and feedback

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Thu Dec 25 17:28:27 CET 2008

On Tuesday 23 December 2008 03:00:53 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> I agree on pretty much all of your points. We've discussed the KRunner
> interface some time ago, and I think one of the conclusion was indeed that
> we need more space for text (the 10 characters is indeed not enough), and
> that we can make the KRunner window bigger.
> Your mockups look very sensible. I like where it's going. The primary and
> secondary display is a good idea to display narrowing down the search. The
> integration of context items in the Akonadi example is nice.
> For some of the items, commands seem to be exclusive (i.e. only one Runner
> at a time can "claim" the "email" option. That's not the case right now how
> runners work though. They all just throw matches into the pool.
> We should all have a good look at KRunner during the sprint in February. I
> think your mockups are a good base for this.

I thought we had shown them, but seems like not, I've worked with nuno 
~september on some similar mocks, that IIRC encountered some resistence, on IRC 
at least. nuno, do you still have them so we can show them to the ML?

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