multi-screen fixathon

Hans Chen hanswchen at
Wed Dec 17 20:09:27 CET 2008

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:
> should be fixed also the last one

The zoom in issue seems to be fixed.

I thought the cashew was OK too, but then it suddenly disappeared
again. I still haven't found a general way to reproduce this, but I
noted the following thing:
when the cashew disappears from one screen, I only have one cashew
left (obviously...). I can use this cashew to zoom out. Then, the
screen I use to zoom in gets a cashew.

For example, let's say the cashew is on the left screen. If I zoom out
and then zoom in on the right screen, the containment on the right
screen gets a cashew (but not the left one).

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