plasma-mid (Mobile Internet Device)

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Tue Aug 26 20:30:13 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 26 August 2008 12:39:26 Marco Martin wrote:
> maybe keeping pressed for more than x time like the fake right mouse menu
> in some places of maemo?
> would only be needed that the menu has items big enough
> (there is even already a plasma patch by Marijn that does that)
> Cheers,
> Narco MArtin

Hey Narco. :P
The iPhone does exactly that to move stuff around in the layout, and I've 
always found keep pressed for more than x very intuitive as "right click".

A 'star mode' to mark apps as favorite activable as switch maybe works too? 
not sure if it makes much sense though.

And, btw, my idea would be to have a 3x3 grid of icons and a listview (like 
canola's settings) at the side.

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