plasma-mid (Mobile Internet Device)

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Tue Aug 26 10:58:34 CEST 2008

On Monday 25 August 2008 18:14:14 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> i have some (poorly) hand drawn sketches that i could scan in, but Riccardo
> actually had inkscape open and was working on mockups. maybe he can share
> that if he still has it; if not, then i'll fire up skanlite =)

yes, it needs a little bit more of work though, and, as I anticipated you on 
IRC I can't work on it 'til the 5th (it's on the other laptop and i promised 
the oxygen guys that I'll let it turned off and concentrate on my math exams 
instead ;-) ).

I have several nice ideas though, also on how to show the categories without 
much previous/back navigation, and I'll put them in the mocks as soon as I 

I'll probably work wih nuno and eventually you a bit over skype and vnc once I 
have the mocks (plus the usual mail discussion), it works really really great 
for this kind of stuff.

I suggest you scanning your mock for now, and then I'll send in my mocks (so 
that we also have a better idea of the dimensions and proportions of the 
screen). =)

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