Two patches for notes plasmoid

Ismael Asensio caciquecola500 at
Mon Aug 25 15:47:08 CEST 2008

2008/8/25 Marco Martin <notmart at>

> On Monday 25 August 2008, Michael Rudolph wrote:
> > By introducing a save-option, we tell the user: hey user, there is
> > this implementation-level detail, that you are surely interested in,
> > it's called a file system (yeah, don't ask) and this is the real deal.
> > Just because you see something on your desktop, doesn't mean it's
> > really there. It's not persistent, or maybe it is. The file system,
> > which you don't see, is the real deal, the desktop, which you can see
> > and directly interact with, is just a visualization of the file
> > system.
> i'm in favour of this, because maybe it's a workaround but the really
> abstracted model still falls in some aspects, like what if i want to copy a
> note to an usb thumbdrive to carry it away? for tnow what lives on the
> desktop kinda can't escape from the desktop..

> in the future probably we could just drag the note applet to a device icon,
> or
> network or whatever and everything would happen behind the scenes, but for
> now a save as option seems nice...

If dragging a text file or text selection onto the desktop creates a sticky
note (which I think is already possible on SVN), it feels way natural that
dragging a note from the desktop onto a device (either dolphin view,
folderview, device icon) will create a file with the text. I think this
behaviour is not too far from current implementation of plasma (and
specially from the global view around it). And maybe it can be also useful
for another kind of desktop contents.
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