System tray rewrite ready for review

Jason Stubbs jasonbstubbs at
Sun Aug 24 13:54:52 CEST 2008

Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Thursday 21 August 2008, Dmitry Suzdalev wrote:
>> So, hey, i-was-at-Akademy guys, could you please-please describe how do you
>> envision this merge? :) Perhaps by describing different situations and how
>> applet should behave or maybe doing a quick mockup.
> the interesting thing about the notification widget is that it doesn't actually 
> need any icon or anything. it just needs to exist. and then it can show 
> notifications.
> so the idea is that the notification widget behaviour is merged with the system 
> tray:
> the system tray icons are the user visible UI part of the widget, and the 
> notifications are also handled by that same widget and it shows the 
> notifications above/below/whatever the system tray, just like it currently 
> shows them above/below/whatever the icon.
> the idea is to prevent having to have two widgets, each taking up space, and 
> coming up with a sensible icon for the notifications.

Presently, each application is choosing how/where to show notifications 
manually. They should be able to use QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage() and 
have the system tray do it, but it's unsupported (on the system tray 
side). Are "notifications" basically an implementation of this feature?

I've written the code to accept "balloon messages" for the FDO spec, but 
there's currently no code to actually display them. It seems that the 
notifications display code could be reused for this? It also seems like 
a good idea to separate the notion of a tray icon and an application 
message as far as the systray/core stuff goes...

Jason Stubbs

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