No subject

Sun Aug 17 15:40:56 CEST 2008

what you are doing, who you are with, and what resources are nearby"

where are you - location
what are you doing - activity
who you are with - nearby people
resources nearby - any devices attached, or network connections available, etc

So, if we can fully leverage all the above as "context" then that
would result in a very smart desktop that can reconfigure itself when
needed.I think this is needed more now, when things are becoming more

Hope I made my point a bit more clear. If you want I can write a short
proposal on what I would love to see implemented ;)

Note: I am just forwarding mails that I had accidentally *switched* to
discussing with aseigo instead of on the plasma-devel . I will
remember to keep further conversions on the plasma-devel-list ;)

Hari krishna Anandhan

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