DS9 backend: reading an audio cd + Patch

Tanguy Krotoff tkrotoff at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 18:32:10 CET 2008

> You can go ahead with your patch.

Which one? cdaudio.diff or the idea about
Phonon::MediaSource(discType, deviceName, track)?
cdaudio.diff does not make DS9 audiocd ok, it only take care of the
deviceName parameter inside DS9 backend (a small mistake)

> The thing is that audio cd reading is not yet officially supported.
> The way it is supposed to work is indeed
> mediaObject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(Phonon::Cd));
> mediaObject->play();
> And then to control it you can use the mediacontroller title interface.
> Now I probably need more time to test it and mark it as supported.
> Regards,
> Thierry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tanguy Krotoff [mailto:tkrotoff at gmail.com]
> Sent: jeudi 27 novembre 2008 21:30
> To: phonon-backends at kde.org
> Subject: DS9 backend: reading an audio cd + Patch
> Hello
> I guess this mail is mostly for Thierry Bastian who is behind the DS9
> backend :)
> I'm trying to read audio cds under Windows using the DS9 backend without
> success.
> Here some steps I have done on my Windows XP SP3:
> - Download the cdda DirectShow filter from
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=82303&package_id=84799
> (Media Player Classic - guliverkli project)
> - regsvr32.exe cddareader.ax
> - I've tested with the old Windows Media Player C:\Program Files\Windows
> Media Player\mplayer2.exe and it works fine with cddareader.ax. On a "clean"
> Windows XP, without cddareader.ax, it does not work (Yep everybody knows
> that Windows does not come with the right DS filters, that's why codec
> packs, VLC and MPlayer are quite
> popular)
> Inside the DS9 backend, without cddareader.ax you get
> qaudiocdreader.cpp:168 "unable to load the TOC from the CD"
> with cddareader.ax qaudiocdreader.cpp "tocRead" variable is true (cool!)
> - I call:
> mediaObject->setCurrentSource(Phonon::MediaSource(Phonon::Cd));
> mediaObject->play();
> but it still does not work and my DirectShow knowledge is pretty poor :/
> So I would like to know the steps for reading an audio CD using the
> DS9 backend (if it is supposed to work)
> I've noticed that Phonon::MediaSource deviceName parameter is not taken into
> account by the DS9 backend.
> So here is a simple patch for qaudiocdreader.cpp (cdaudio.diff - attached
> file)
> Another concern (Phonon only related) is the possibility to pass a 3rd
> argument to Phonon::MediaSource:
> Current constructor: Phonon::MediaSource(Phonon::DiscType discType, const
> QString & deviceName = QString())
> Proposition: Phonon::MediaSource(Phonon::DiscType discType, const QString &
> deviceName = QString(), int track = 1)
> the track (or title?) argument gives the user the possibility to play a
> specific track from an audiocd/DVD/VCD (default value is of course the first
> one)
> Why?
> Under Windows, using the file manager when an audio cd is inserted you get:
> D:/Track01.cda
> D:/Track02.cda
> ...
> A common use under Windows is to double-clic on these "shortcuts" to play a
> specific track from the audio CD (works with Winamp, foobar2000, Windows
> Media Player...) VLC let's you also choose the title/track you wanna play
> from a DVD/CD audio (inside the Media/Open
> Disc...)
> What do you think about this?
> Thx
> Btw: videorenderer_soft.cpp:32, it's better to write #include
> <QtCore/qmath.h> instead of #include <qmath.h> This way when compiling the
> DS9 backend, you just need to include C:\Qt\4.4.3\include without all the
> others (C:\Qt\4.4.3\include\QtCore, C:\Qt\4.4.3\include\QtGui...)

Tanguy Krotoff <tkrotoff at gmail.com>
+33 6 68 42 70 24

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