2 Minor Ideas for Plasma

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Fri May 30 18:55:12 CEST 2008

On Friday 30 May 2008, Jamboarder wrote:
> Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> wrote:
> > yeah, was really surprised that nobody could figure out that, i was
> > thinking "it's like resizing a window, what could go wrong?", but yeah,
> > kinda missed the target this time :(
> > now it changes color on mouse over and has 3 little dots in it maybe it
> > could help a bit,
> > putting the resize handle at the bottom should be really easy, but i
> > kinda fear it would be even worse, i know i'm the only one on that, but
> > it felt really more natural to put the resize handle after everything and
> > so wrong at the bottom of the controller...
> > i maybe would try to put two of them, one on top and one on the bottom,
> > don't know if that redundancy could help or hinder...
> > now with things so frozen what i think i can do is to move/replicate the
> > resize handle and for the future i would resume the combobox with tiny,
> > medium etc. that is kinda sad because i was trying to remove
> > configuration buttons and then that thing will get filled of buttons but
> > well...
> If it helps any, would simply grabbing the ruler itself to resize the panel
> be helpful?  There's always lots of room on the ruler to grab without
> accidentally hitting the sliders.  It could be perhaps be indicated with an
> on hover tooltip and perhaps visual grab handles (dots or something) along
> the ruler.   Perhaps an additional indicator could be a cursor change to
> the hand-grab (or maybe re-size) icon over the ruler (except of course over
> the anchor and max/min sliders where cursor should return to the arrow).

That's used to drag the panel to other locations

Marco Martin

> This would allow all panel resizing to be functionally co-located on the
> same widget - the ruler - which may in turn help with discovery.
> Hope this helps,
> Andrew (Jamboarder) Lake

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