Nominating a creative director

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu May 29 10:48:48 CEST 2008

> > not-easily solvable artwork problems. The hand that makes the mocks
> > and voice that calls for help in making those become true.
> this is not what an art/creative director does. they are usually not the
> hand that makes the mockups; at the very least they are rarely the only
> hand. again, this goes back to *coordinating* rather than talking about the
> act of creation itself.

just to clarify: i assume nuno would continue to make mockups, final artwork, 
etc. but that's something he would be doing anyways; an art direction role 
would be about the coordination parts rather than the creation parts.

just like my role as plasma maintainer is as a coordinator rather than a 
coder, even though i also write a fair amount of code as well.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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