
Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue May 27 20:04:26 CEST 2008

On 5/26/08, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at kde.org> wrote:
> how many times have i blocked artwork commits? how many times have i
>  micromanaged the artists? who has been putting their hands on the wheel and
>  ensuring that artwork remains viable in plasma? (honestly, i think the answer
>  to that last one is, "nobody, really")
>  i'm sorry if it sucks, but the current state of things does not make for a
>  pleasurable experience.
>  the reasons for that are pretty clear: there is a lack of coordinated
>  direction in the art. it's been hodge podge. there has been next to no
>  communication between art and devel ... these are *problems* that need fixing
>  at some point in time.
>  > Oh, and, by the way, the current theme was designed for another layout
>  > which never got implemented...
> which layout? maybe i'm just missing all these emails talking about these
>  things, but it's a little disconcerting having but the vaguest clue about at
>  least half the things that keep coming up in the conversation. "new
>  theme", "new layout", ... do you see the pattern here?

Uhm... actually, not only the panel mockup never got implemented, but
actually it has even been fought.
I'm talking of this mockup:
Here you can see the panel and the clock, for example. So you (and not
only you) obviously did.
However, now that I'm more calm, I don't really feel like starting a
flame: so, please don't take this as polemic (I'm not answering the
rest of this mail for the same exact reason), but let's start over.
And this time let's make sure this time things are done the best way
possible. =)

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