Containments, Layouts

Oszkar Ambrus oszkar.ambrus at
Mon May 26 20:22:09 CEST 2008

Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> It's called Konduit and it is a visual programming environment for RDF
>> data. It isn't released to the public yet.
>> It was developed by Sebastian Trüg (k3b, Soprano), and I'm working on
>> some extensions, improvements under his mentoring.
> very cool. can't wait to see it =) 
> given that it's another Trüg Production(tm) ;) i'm sure it's going to be 
> great. it will interesting to see what you and he come up with for the 
> interface as well since this could be an interface concept that others would 
> have use for as well.. in any case, happy hacking =)
Yeah, he's definitely doing a great job.
Thanks! :)

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