Containments, Layouts [destroy() BUG?]

Oszkar Ambrus oszkar.ambrus at
Mon May 26 17:25:29 CEST 2008

Oszkar Ambrus wrote:
> Alexis Ménard wrote:
>> If you use PushButton from recent Plasma API you use 
>> QGraphicsProxyWidget because they are proxywidget, so before deleting 
>> your applet that contains your button and your line edit remove it in 
>> the scene before. But if you call destroy on your applet, if it's the 
>> case it's automatically done by the applet class.
> What do you mean by removing from the scene? Removing the applets from 
> the Plasma::Corona (QGraphicsScene)?
> So I should either remove them in the Corona's destructor, or call 
> destroy on them?
Thanks, That seems to work!

But now I might have found a bug: I have some context menus for my 
applets, by which they can be removed.
I connected the triggered signal to the applet's destroy slot. If I 
remove two applets on after the other, then the application crashes. If 
I wait for a few seconds, that everything's ok.
Is there an explanation for this?


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