Mo' screens = mo' happiness

Michael Rudolph michael.rudolph at
Tue May 20 20:34:18 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 13 May 2008 21:38:32 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 May 2008, Michael Rudolph wrote:
> > the rich information these interactions provide, I don't really
> > like that particular example. Because when I'm having dual
> > multi-touch input devices, I'll hopefully not need a mouse ever
> > again.
> the point is that when it's done in software it can adapt. and yes,
> when i plug a mouse in, the trackpad ought to get out of my way
> because i probably want to use the mouse, not the trackpad. if i
> never need a mouse, i'll likely never plug one in.

Hello everyone,

I just saw the new planned version of the OLPC

with dual touchscreens, nonetheless, and thought it might be fitting to 
post it here.

I know how Aaron makes his visions for Plasma become a reality through 
hard work and clever planning, but how he makes others make his vision 
a reality seems really somehow scary to me :-)

Have a nice day


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