another Service draft

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sat May 17 02:34:16 CEST 2008

On Friday 16 May 2008, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> >    void setDestination(const QString &destination);
> Why not pass the destination on the call to load? I'm not sure the semantic
> of "setDestination" makes sense here, it's as if I'd be able to move a
> service.

you could. the use pattern is probably going to be:

create a service
tell it what it refers to (e.g. which online account, which local profile, 
use it over and over.

this will allow one to write generic handlers that use a service that is set 
up for them without them needing to know the destination/address.

> s/destination/address/i ;-)


> >    virtual ServiceJob* createJob(const QString &operation,
> >                                  QMap<QString, QVariant> &parameters) =
> > 0;
> Hmmm, or QMap<QString, QVariant> everywhere, or KConfigGroup everywhere.
> I'd be relunctant to mix both. Hmmmm... actually I'm now wondering, what
> about: KConfigGroup operationDescription(const QString &operationName);

i use it here because this is now in the service job where the extra semantics 
that KConfigSkeleton give us are no longer useful.

> >    void setOperationsScheme(QIODevice *xml);
> If it's "Operations" here, it should probably be
> "registerOperationsScheme()" above.

good catch. also making the ctors protected.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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