questions about animator

Marco Martin notmart at
Fri May 16 10:37:06 CEST 2008

On 5/15/08, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:
> On Thursday 15 May 2008, Marco Martin wrote:
>  > i think it would really look simpler if i could do something with custom
>  > animations, but it seems somewhat limited. the animationUpdate() slot don't
>  > know anything on what is the animation id it's updating, so basically one
>  > single slot for every id (think would be nice if the id would be an extra
>  > param of that slow but well huu, nevermind:D)...
> that could be done pretty easily i suppose.
>  i've been ignoring animator for a bit because i'm hopeful for other frameworks
>  appearing (quasar? tt's thing?) and because i've had more pressing things to
>  work on.
tried to add a second optional parameter (the animation id) to the
called slot optional so it's retro compatible with things that exists
already and trying to use that in the pager.
the result is not overwhelmingly beautiful but kinda works, (maybe
another thing that suggests the need of a new system eheh) hope to
have some working code to show when i get home this evening.

Marco Martin

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