questions about animator

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu May 15 17:41:16 CEST 2008

Hi all,
i was trying to make the mouse over effect of the pager animated
but it seems to really have some problems (no the patch attached don't even 
compiles, only for pointing the problems :P)

i wanted to do a fade in when the mouse cursor is over a desktop and a fade 
out when it leaves, so i suppose i need as many animation ids as the number 
of desktop
now i could animate some pixmaps with appearing and disappearing animations, 
but i would need to cache two pixmaps for every desktop (all different since 
there is also the desktop number on it)
i think it would really look simpler if i could do something with custom 
animations, but it seems somewhat limited. the animationUpdate() slot don't 
know anything on what is the animation id it's updating, so basically one 
single slot for every id (think would be nice if the id would be an extra 
param of that slow but well huu, nevermind:D)...

so should i attempt to pre generate pixmaps and then making default fade 
in/fade out animations? would it work without having one class for each 
desktop with its own anim ids/slots? (ouch)
atm i'm very tempted to leave the hover effect with "magic" appear/disappear 
at least for 4.1 :)

Marco Martin
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