[REVIEW] Improved applet drag&drop support

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sun May 11 13:10:43 CEST 2008

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sunday 11 May 2008, Riccardo Iaconelli wrote:
> >
> > * applethandle.cpp: //TODO: is there a window flag to make this not
> appear
> > in the task manager?
> >   I'm sure there is something, yakuake does it. maybe ask Sho or have a
> > look at the codebase?
> just a quick maybe wrong thing that comes to my mind, making it treated as
> a
> a popup window?
>  KWindowSystem::setType(winId(), NET::PopupMenu);
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
Just asked Sho. =)

[13:09:39] <Sho_> ruphy: The NetWM spec defines an atom for it that you can
set using KWindowSystem::setState()
[13:09:55] <Sho_> ruphy: i.e. KWindowSystem::setState(winId(),

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