GSoC: command and get obeyed ! + draft

Henry de Valence hdevalence at
Tue Mar 25 17:37:13 CET 2008

On Tuesday 25 March 2008 04:03:19 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> i relaly think differentiating between a "normal" and "command" mode is a
> poor idea. modes in general are poor for usability, and i don't think the
> two modes are in the least exclusive anyways.
I agree that they're probably not exclusive. What about the thing where when 
you copypasta a URL, there is a menu that pops up asking if you want to open 
in konqueror, run mozilla, etc. Perhaps one of the actions (default?) would be 
to use in KRunner.

Also, modes can have usability: look at vim, the most intuitive text editor 
ever made. :)

Henry de Valence

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