GSoC: command and get obeyed ! + draft

Jordi Polo mumismo at
Tue Mar 25 05:26:47 CET 2008

2008/3/25 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>:

> On Monday 24 March 2008, Jordi Polo wrote:
> > For instance, automatically run krunner on the clipboard contents.
> > Technologically, it can be as easy as when krunner appears on screen
> just
> > call QClipboard::text() and put the contents in the line edit as
> selected
> > (so any keypress will delete it).
> > The problem is that I am not sure if this will be annoying to the users
> or
> > no.
> it could also deadlock if the clipboard provider is going nuts. we can't
> have
> that =) the user can always just hit Ctrl+V of course... we could provide
> another global shortcut (Alt+Shift+F2?) to trigger clipboard matching?

My initial idea was using another global shortcut. But, I see at least 4
different ways to invocate krunner:
-normal + clipboard
-command + clipboard

I don't think creating shortcuts for all is a good idea (the shorcuts memory
of the users is limited). The command mode can be entered if a character is
written in krunner ("play" == krun for "play" , ":play" execute "play"
command ) but I am also not fully convinced of this, once more, it may be
harder to memorize for users.

Jordi Polo Carres
NLP laboratory - NAIST
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