GSoC application draft: extenders.

Rob Scheepmaker r.scheepmaker at
Fri Mar 21 17:11:47 CET 2008

I've had some good feedback on my GSoC proposal draft, so I've added some 
stuff to my GSoC proposal on extenders. I added some use cases to give an 
idea why we really must have extenders. (extenders rock really really
hard :), whose idea was it originally?) I also added some api requirements 
to the proposal. The proposal can be found at:

I'm looking forward to getting feedback. :)
I'm still trying to make some mockups of my ideas, but I'm struggling a
lot with gimp and inkscape, since I really don't have a lot of graphics
skills. (Why isn't there a kmockup or something like that?)

Rob Scheepmaker (pinda)

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