Plasma newbie questions and API fuzzyness (perhaps)

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuzkde at
Thu Mar 20 19:34:30 CET 2008

Hi, guys!

A few notes as a new plasma API user :)

1. DataEngine::connectAllSources() - for some reason I thought that after in the 
applet I do:


then I'll get dataUpdated slot called for every source that is changed or *added*.
Nope. I figured out that to accomplish this I need to connect my applet to 
sourceAdded slot and then do

void MyApplet::onSourceAdded(QString sourceName)
     m_myEngine->connectSource(sourceName, this);
     kDebug() << "source" << sourceName << "added";

Ok, perhaps this need to be mentioned in docs - that connectAllSources connects all 
sources that *exist* at the moment when it called. Is it so btw? :) Didn't checked.

2. I wonder why the following code inside the data engine:

void MyDataEngine::someFunction()
        Plasma::DataEngine::Data notificationData;
        id = 1;
        // fill data

        setData( QString("notification %1").arg(id), notificationData );
        kDebug() << "data was set";

produces the following output with applet set up as described in 1. (with additional 
similar sourceRemoved slot):

NotifierApplet::sourceAdded: source "notification 1" added
NotifierApplet::dataUpdated: source "notification 1" changed
NotifierApplet::sourceRemoved: source "notification 1" removed
NotificationsEngine::notify: data was set
NotifierApplet::dataUpdated: source "notification 1" changed

I.e. added,changed,*removed*,changed
Why it was removed?
I didn't ask to remove it.

I guess I am doing something wrong?
Anyway if I'm doing this, I wasn't told otherwise by docs/API, so I expect it to work 
the way I wrote it, so I guess something should be corrected :) Be it API docs or my 
brains ;)


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