Translate Runner

Matej Svejda mata at
Sun Mar 16 14:25:13 CET 2008

> * what is the real problem we're trying to solve here?
Well, we're trying to solve the problem of KRunner wasting it's time with 
producing results that never get displayed. The way I see it there are 2 
 * a runner is fast enough to process a query between two update intervals by 
KRunner. Then it doesn't waste it's time because the result it produced gets 
display, even if just for very short time. 
* a runner isn't fast enough to process a query between the update intervalls. 
Then he uses up resources for nothing.

What I'm saying is that KRunner should act more intelligently here. My idea 
was that it would be better to display a result, even if it is 2 
characters "old". But your probably right, that could lead to confusion.

Here your idea of a MatchManager-class is probably the way to go. Maybe 
dividing runner into two classes, one with all the runner that are able to 
return a result between two m_updateMatches timouts one with all that aren't. 
The slow runners should only be queried when KRunner thinks that the user is 
done typing.

I have one question though: Wouldn't in that case having one instance per 
runner be faster then overlapping queries? It just seems so odd having two 
instances of the same runner since that means one of them is doing work for 
nothing since it's result will never get displayed...

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