Thoughts on applet layouts

Alex Merry huntedhacker at
Thu Mar 13 16:24:19 CET 2008

On Thursday 13 March 2008 13:21:14 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Thursday 13 March 2008, Alex Merry wrote:
> > Here's an idea I came up with for an applet layout system.  This comes
> > down
> a few quick questions so i can get a better understanding of you ideas:
> * is this meant to make it easier for Containment, Applets or both?

Applets, primarily.

> * how will this better / easier than a Containment supplying it's own
> Layout class? (other than obviously not having to create a separate
> subclass, i mean from the amount of code that needs to be written..)

Well, there's no reason the work couldn't be done by another class, rather
than the virtual layout() method.  As long as the class interface allows
grid layout of icons but not other applets, for example.

That wasn't the main point, TBH.

> * do you think that the QGraphicsWidget system of sizeHints would be enough
> for the widget side of things?

From QGraphicsLayoutItem?  Yes, that seems to provide the things I was
thinking of (setPreferredSize and setMinimumSize).  It then becomes a
policy thing - all applets need to do is call the relevant methods in
constraintsUpdated() (not updateConstraints as i kept saying in the last

We would also need some API for getting the fixed width/height.  That could be 
done with just calling preferredSize or whatever

Although there's still the issue of borders then - presumably, the
QGraphicsLayoutItem API would deal with the size including the borders, which
the applet subclass wouldn't care about.  This doesn't matter on the panel,
but would for a grid layout on the desktop, for example.



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