Applet positions

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Mar 12 14:11:38 CET 2008

On Wednesday 12 March 2008, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question to which I have no proper answer. Applets on the desktop
> are fixed to the desktop using the top-left corner. So, if somebody has an
> applet that changes its size during its lifetime on the right bottom corner
> of the screen, problems occur.
> For example, think of system tray applet placed on the desktop. At first
> you have a few icons, and you moved it in the bottom-right corner of the
> screen. When you start another application that has a tray icon, the tray
> will expand to the right making the newly added icon to /appear/ beyond the
> right edge of the screen.

What about auto moving an applet only when one of its edges grows beyond a 
screen edge? i feel that maybe it's less pretty but more predictable

Marco Martin

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