Pin plasmoid sides to edges of containment?

Chris Reeves chris at
Thu Jun 26 16:51:05 CEST 2008


First off, I'd like to thank all of the people involved in the plasma project 
and KDE in general. My desktop experience has improved much in KDE 4, to the 
extent that it seems like the workspace is assisting me instead of just being 
there or occasionally getting in the way. Thank you.

In 4.1 beta2, the workspace started playing well with randr on my machine, so 
I can hook up my 1920x1200 monitor when I get to work and unplug it when I'm 
done to merrily go back to 1280x800. The only visual glitch I noticed in the 
transition, is that plasmoids that are in one place on the laptop screen are 
in a completely different place on the larger screen, relative to the sides 
of the monitor.

It would be a nice feature, I think, to be able to pin the sides of plasmoids 
to certain points on the screen in relation to the containment edges. Doing 
this, it would be possible to make certain plasmoids slide to the edge of the 
screen on a resize, while others could be stretched to fill the extra space 
provided. I would imagine that something like a push-pin icon could be added 
to the sides of the plasmoid border to accomplish this. If sides opposite 
each other were pinned, the plasmoid would be stretched. If a single, or 
adjacent side(s) were pinned, then the plasmoid would be kept in that same 
relative position on containment resize.

I don't know if that's a reasonable feature given the potential complexities 
both in code and interface design, and I'm not sure if this has been 
discussed before ( I couldn't find anything on it ). I thought it would be 
better to post it here for discussion before making a wish, if it is 
reasonable idea. If anyone would like me to provide a mockup of my vision of 
how this might work, I'd be glad to give it a shot.

Thanks, Chris

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