Fwd: KDE 4.1beta2 Folderview-Plasmoid
Celeste Lyn Paul
cpaul at user-centereddesign.com
Thu Jun 26 16:34:32 CEST 2008
It kindof makes sense. Before when the Desktop was a folder, user were forced
to manage their data where they worked. People don't keep all of their data
on their desk, only the files they are working with at the moment. Now,
folder view allows users to pick up folders they need, work with them, and
then put them away and change them for another folder when they want to work
on something else. The current implementation matches the metaphor much more
closely. Although now we don't want to use the label "Desktop" any more even
though it is more accurate in both time and space..
On Thursday 26 June 2008 10:23:15 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> rough summary translation:
> "i tried KDE 4.1 beta 2, and I love folderview. It's intuitive, has all the
> features I need and saves me clicks and lets me work better. Please pass
> this email on to the people who have worked on folderview."
> apparently the fellow works with a lot of large data sets that live for
> short periods of time ... so, nicely done, everyone; we're actually,
> really, truly making the desktop useful for more people, including ones it
> wasn't very useful to in the past. it's not just a theory anymore ;)
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> Subject: KDE 4.1beta2 Folderview-Plasmoid
> Date: Thursday 26 June 2008
> From: Benedict Roeser <b-roeser at gmx.net>
> To: aseigo at kde.org
> Hallo Aaron,
> Ich habe gerade KDE 4.1 beta 2 installiert und muss sagen, es ist genial,
> genial GENIAL!
> Besonders hat es mir das neue Folderview-Plasmoid (heißt das so?) angetan,
> soweit ich weiß ist das größtenteils dein Verdienst, evtl. kannst du die
> Mail ja an Personen, die ebenfalls daran gearbeitet haben weiterleiten. Es
> ist intuitiv, hat alle Funktionen die ich brauche und vor allem brauche ich
> für eine ganze Menge von täglichen Aufgaben viel weniger Klicks. (Ich
> arbeite hauptsächlich an zeitlich begrenzten Projekten mit relativ großen
> Datenmengen) - das Folderview-Plasmoid scheint wie gemacht um meinen
> täglichen Arbeitsalltag zu erleichtern.
> Vielen, vielen Dank!
> Benedict
> -------------------------------------------------------
Celeste Lyn Paul, MS
Senior Interaction Architect
User-Centered Design, Inc.
Phone: (703) 729-0998
Mobile: (724) 331-3058
Email: cpaul at user-centereddesign.com
Web: www.user-centereddesign.com
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