
Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Sun Jun 8 20:00:05 CEST 2008

this is my take:
stretch only when the panel is 100%
if the user sets the panel to be shorter don't stretch it (apart from fitting 
to the resolution)
if the panel became 100 because the res is decreased (but it wasn't) when it 
will grow again it's not stretched, but this only for the current session
(makes sense because if the res was decreased days ago and i enlarge it again 
probably i won't care how it was at that time)

on a side note, now changing the location of the panel is totally borked (two 
days ago it worked) the only thing that would have caused that what could be, 
the pinchcontainment moving?
btw, i think changing the panel location between horizontal and vertical 
should have the same behaviour

Marco MArtin
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