Plasma::Theme use/growth guidelines

Jamboarder jamboarder at
Tue Jun 3 19:23:57 CEST 2008

As we improve on the many things plasma can do both functionally and visually, is it worth capturing some guidelines on when it makes sense to add new theme elements/functionality versus when to use existing functionality.  Perhaps even a list of recommended uses for each of the various general theming elements.  (As I write this, it is starting to sound much like part of a Plasma HIG/UIG).

Aaron committed the latest visual updates to the krunner dialog, where it mentions in the code comment FIXME that the divider line should be part of the SVG theme.  I'm not arguing against this specific code comment since the krunner visuals are really just being sorted. It did occur to me though that some visual elements may work sufficiently well by just employing the theme colors (without the need for a new SVG element).  

I don't know that we're necessarily running rampant with Plasma::Theme growth, yet.  But if it is a concern, then maybe some guidelines would be helpful in managing this.  The side benefit is that it might be helpful to applet creators

I'm happy to volunteer to help/do if there is agreement that this would be of any consequence.

Andrew (Jamboarder) Lake
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