Toolbox Brainstorming

pinheiro nuno at
Sun Jan 6 13:13:24 CET 2008

A Sunday 06 January 2008 05:26:14, Chani escreveu:
> huh. I agree that having the desktop toolbox on a panel would be weird. if
> the desktop toolbox is meant to be strongly associated with the desktop
> containment, then it should be on the desktop, and stay there.

I have allways strognly assiciated the pannel with the desktop...
and (being) on the desktop is not very easy to visualy express, to me being on 
the coner dosent make it desktop any more than in the pannel or in the top 
midle part of the desktop (would balence the screen alot more btw) 

> but then I get confused as to whether it should zoom out with the
> containment: if it does, then it's tiny and hard to use. if it doesn't,
> then it's suddenly this separate magic thing and I start expecting it to be
> associated with the corona instead.
just my next 2 cents .... but what about second mouse click on screen,
its fit's law best point and would be coerent with the way we normaly deal 
with the desktop, well that's how i do it....  


core oxygen icon designer

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