making kickoff have full-width selection rects (on hover)

Sven Burmeister sven.burmeister at
Fri Feb 29 17:36:22 CET 2008

On Freitag, 29. Februar 2008, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> * bold fonts are not that different than non-bold fonts on some systems and
> some type faces, making this change nearly non-visible for some people =/
> this is the problem i ran into with this approach previously. it's probably
> not unfixable, but it would be good to see how this works out on such
> systems.

Which systems would that be? They would still have the zoomed icon, which was 
not part of your original video back then.

> * it does rely on movement between the itme .. just looking at the menu
> without movement doesn't immediatly make it clear which item is the current
> one (again, a problem i ran into when taking this approach pre-4.0)

I thought about that too and it's solveable by simply adding a very light 
background-colour to the item's row after the mouse-cursor stayed on the item 
for longer than 1 second or some timespan like that.


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