(patch) Review Request: Fancy-schmancy Kickoff layout tricks for dissident panel placements

Sven Burmeister sven.burmeister at gmx.net
Wed Feb 27 14:35:19 CET 2008

On Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008, Marco Martin wrote:
> > This just adds the need to press the mouse button all the time or click
> > more often then now. The tab-buttons are huge and hard to miss or hit by
> > mistake if just reading the current tab.
> but if you are selecting an item that is at the very bottom of the page no
> matter how huge the tabs are, the distance between where you are moving the
> mouse and the tabs is very tiny

No it's not because you assume that in order to select the last item in the 
list the user moves the mouse to its bottom, yet users aim at the middle of 
an item and hence still have a lot of space they can move too low before 
hitting the tab.

Another approach: If you open a tab, you move on the x-axis, then you want to 
select an item from that tab, so you move on the y-axis. If you by mistake 
now move down the y-axis again, nothing changes, because you are roughly 
still at the same x-axis position and only select the active tab, so nothing 

But even if you want to make it fool-proof for those few that cannot aim at a 
40px high item, just increase kickoff's size by 10 px in order to get a 
larger margin instead of forcing everyone to click more often or drag the 
mouse-button across all tabs and items.

Apart from all that, you can already disable the "activate on hover" which is 
all those people who don't want it to open without click need.


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