multiple desktops and background painting

Matěj Koubík mkoubik at
Thu Feb 21 14:45:20 CET 2008

2008/2/7, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at>:
> On Wednesday 06 February 2008, Chani wrote:
>  > I'd just like to make it clear that I think it would be kinda silly to
>  > offer wallpaper-per-virtual-desktop instead of
>  > containment-per-virtual-desktop; if people have one desktop containment for
>  > each virtual desktop, they can set each to its own wallpaper.
> these are two different use cases. remember that a Containment has two primary
>  purposes:
>  a) to contain a collection of plasmoids
>  b) to paint a background behind them
>  it is fully valid to want the same plasmoids on all your virtual desktops
>  (using virtual desktops to organize your windows only) but different
>  backgrounds. (b')
>  it's also valid to want the same background but different sets of widgets per
>  desktop. (a')
>  it's also valid to want different backgrounds and different sets of widgets
>  per desktop. (a'b')
>  i'm trying to find a way to offer b' right now in a way that works for
>  composition managers (no other desktop wallpaper system do this properly
>  right now, btw).
>  the neat thing is that the proposed solution also allows for a' and a'b' with
>  a very small bit more work.

If there is a containment-per-desktop, you can have different
background on each desktop, but plasmoids and icons can be added to
all desktops by default. And there is also place for some "cool
features" like an "only-on-this-desktop" option when adding a

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