new panel look and feel

pinheiro nuno at
Sun Apr 20 10:52:57 CEST 2008

A Saturday 19 April 2008 21:38:03, Marco Martin escreveu:
> this adds multiple cache and multiple settings to panelsvg, now changing
> prefix does not force a repaint anymore.
> made the task applet to use panelsvg (very little changes here)
> it still has problem (sometimes a task has a size slightly different to the
> other, this is kinda evil) it seems to perform quite well
> a test svg is at
> not meant to be a final one, but the look is kinda nice already :)
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin

yeah this svg is coll has it let us set the spacing and have control over the 
scalling issue.

but shouldnt it be in the main svg theme? 


core oxygen icon designer

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