new panel look and feel

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sat Apr 19 23:50:24 CEST 2008

On Saturday 19 April 2008, Marco Martin wrote:
> this adds multiple cache and multiple settings to panelsvg, now changing
> prefix does not force a repaint anymore.

patch still needs a little cleaning, e.g. the commented out code in 
PanelSVG::setElementPrefix; but this is probably a draft patch, so 
understandable =)

+    foreach (PanelData *panel, d->panels) {
+        delete panel;
+    }

qDeleteAll(panels); ?

(i think that works on the data() of the hash..)

a couple of inneficiencies remain:

!! if the prefix is set, but it doesn't exist in the svg, then we'll get a 
panel that is identical to the default QString() panel; seems wasteful.

** check to see if the prefix exists first?

!! in the case of a PanelContainment, if the user switches from bottom to 
left, we generate a new panel but keep the old one around. the old panel will 
likely not get used again soon (or even ever), so will be taking up space 

** there should be a way to clear the cached panels or set a cache policy?

this is a good direction though imho.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Trolltech
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