[Panel-devel] reordering of applets

cedric cedric.borgese at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 00:11:37 CEST 2007

> i'm not keen on the user having to manually position things; perhaps we 

I'm agree too, I put the menu items because I had no better idea how to 
integrate this on the ui, but is effectivly a baddest way to reorder applets.

>just raise the currently selected applet above all others? this would give 
>us, essentially, 4 z-order values:
>Object Type  |  Possible value
>Containment   -1000

as applet are childen of Containment, they are always drawn after their 
container, regardless their zValue. (according to the QGraphicsItem doc)
Setting a zValue to Containment relative to applet have no effet.
But we should take care of reodering containments. All applet in a contaiment 
below another containment will be drawn before all applets in the above 
containment, whatever are their zValue.
Currently, in the code, I could see only one use of contaiment.
Could they overlap themselves in the future ?

>Background    -500
>Active applet   1000
>Other aplpets  0

This mean we change the applet ordering when an applet get focus.
As applets are QGraphicsItem, I don't know how to catch a signal like "this 
applet get focus"

>(oh, also, you should be checking for the Containment's immutable status 
>rather than the Corona; though in this case, i don't think we need to care 
>about immutability in the first place =)

PS : Please CC me, I'm not on the list.

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