[Panel-devel] Finishing up the Layout Stuff

Matias Valdenegro T. mvaldenegro at informatica.utem.cl
Thu Jun 21 04:38:28 CEST 2007

Hi :

I'm almost back, just have to finish some exams :(

But well, let's get onto business.

We need to make a decision about how were gonna handle Widgets inside Plasma, 
as i need to store the geometry data and the update "events" to the 

The actual proposal is just make ALL widgets inherit Plasma::Widget and create 
glue/wrapper code for the elements already provided by Qt (SVG, Text, etc)

Other way is use Dynamic Properties for storing the geometry data (Doing it 
manually in each widget), but LayoutItem would need to inherit QGraphicsItem 
for the update() method, called after setting the geometry.

Any thoughts? I need opinions to start working on code, and then port all 
widgets to the Layout code. 

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