[Panel-devel] Scripting update

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Thu Jul 26 23:00:07 CEST 2007

On Thursday 26 July 2007 04:22:17 pm Riccardo Iaconelli wrote:
> On Thursday 26 July 2007 18:25:57 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > while in oslo, i hope to play with zack's work on the canvas2d stuff so
> > we can offer that set of tools as well...
> P.S, while in oslo, try to figure out if we can switch between opengl and
> native painting on the fly, better if runtime.

Are you trying to find reasons for me to make fun of him? 
It's a meaningless question. Obviously the memory space for the two rendering 
modes is different so the whole memory contents would have to migrated on 
such a switch, leading to insane flicker. So if the question is: "can we make 
Qt flicker", then the good news is "yes, and there are way simpler methods of 
doing that".
If the question is "can we accelerate Plasma's vector rendering using OpenGL", 
the answer is "yes, if you have a card whose drivers support OpenGL well 
(with at least gl_ext_framebuffer_object, and gl_ext_fragment_program)" which 
deteriorates to "we we accelerate Plasma's vector rendering using NVIDIA's 
cards with their proprietary drivers" to which the answer is a simple "yes".
If the question is "can we make graphicsview stop flicker when we set the 
viewport to QGLWidget, even when using NVIDIA's card/driver combo", the 
answer is "no, it requires qwindowsurface implementation".
If the question was "will we have opengl based qwindowsurface implementation 
in Qt", the answer is "maybe".

All in all, most of the time I feel like a doctor whose patients never tell 
him what's wrong just give him their self-diagnosis. I'd beg you not to do 
that =) And unfortunately this is graphics and graphics is hard so just like 
I told Amarok guys, if you have a problem, tell me where it hurts, ideally 
with a standalone example that shows exactly the problem, instead of trying 
to ask me a question based on your own self-diagnosis. It will stop me from 
banging my hand on the table one too many times and it will distribute some 
good answers around :)


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