[Panel-devel] [PATCH] tooltips + taskbar thumbnails

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 08:50:59 CET 2007

> Right clicking on the tiny margin between tasks should still work, but
> that's hardly enough. QList<QAction*> contextActions() from Plasma::Applet
> should probably be updated to receive a position so that all the generic
> context menu options are available. Or perhaps it should just wait for a
> panel version of applet handles. Not sure on this one...

are there any concrete plans for applet handles on the panel? I've heard 
vague "it'll work out" statements but I don't remember any mention of whether 
there'll be handles or just the contextmenu. I made an attempt at one point, 
but realized it was nowhere near as simple as I'd hoped, and ran off to do 
something easier (at least until the layout bugs are all squashed).

we could add in a special handle just for the tasks applet - it would be kinda 
ugly, but it would work. I was thinking just a little button on one end like 
the old kicker handles.

having applet menu options in the task context menu would be much less ugly, 
of course. the problem I see (from briefly glancing at the code) is that the 
task management code currently hands us a TaskRMBMenu, instead of something 
we can easily add to like a list of QActions...

btw, I don't quite get what you mean by "updated to receive a position"...

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