[Panel-devel] kdebase/workspace/plasma

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Sep 6 22:52:27 CEST 2005

hey all..

as you probably know, one of the outcomes of aKademy 2k5 is that we're 
changing the layout of kdelibs and kdebase. where it impacts plasma is that 
it is part of (and indeed the centre of in some ways) the new "KDE 
Workspace". think of it as the "desktop shell". it includes kwin, kcontrol, 
kscreensaver and *drum roll* plasma.

you can find it in kdebase/workspace/plasma

however, instead of simply moving all of kicker and whatever else into 
kdebase/workspace i'll be moving bits and pieces over building up plasma as 
we go. the first thing to be worked on is libplasma, and in particular the 
library manager, applet definitions and loading applets. things that can be 
worked on include: extensions, extenders and engine libraries. i suspect the 
SK people will have a fair amount of the latter to do.

there will be some requirements for code in plasma libraries, and these 

	- must have API documentation
	- must have unit tests (using qttestlib, which will be in our svn eventually 
but for now can be found at ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/solutions/ with docu 
at http://doc.trolltech.com/solutions/4/qttestlib/)
	- must have dptr's if the headers are publicly installed
	- must be licensed under the LGPL or a BSD (sans advert claus) style license
	- should be API reviewed by at least one other dev (if not even on this list)

also while at akademy i did a "what the heck is plasma?" presentation to a 
number of people. i was able to boil it down to a 10 minute presentation and 
then i turned it into slides on the airplane ride over (no internet == no 

you can find it here:


Aaron J. Seigo
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

Full time KDE developer sponsored by Trolltech (http://www.trolltech.com)
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