[Panel-devel] Superkaramba applets configuration

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Jun 21 16:53:09 CEST 2005

On Tuesday 21 June 2005 07:32, Fred Schaettgen wrote:
> Or a similar problem - will I be able to pop up a calendar next to the
> clock with a SK theme?

keep in mind that the definition of a plasma applet and an SK theme are not 
the same. an SK theme is currently confined to Python, as one example. the 
clock that ships with plasma will almost certainly continue to be written in 
C++ with KJSEmbed hooks for themes. the taskbar will also almost certainly 
continue to be C++. other applets will almost certainly not be C++, however. 
all will be "plasma applets", however.

so yes, you'll be able to pop up a calendar next to the clock =) whether you 
can do that in language X is another question. if a calendar is a common 
enough need for scripted plugins, then we may include an interface for that 
in libplasma.

> What if we limit the scripted part of the applets to just the regular
> applet GUI, not including configuration and other dialogs opened by
> interacting with the applet?

i don't think this is necessary. for specific instances like the clock i think 
it makes all the sense in the world. but we need to keep the entry bar low 
for people writing applets, which means the ability to have 
pure-Ruby/Python/JS/Java applets as well. libplasma needs to be able to serve 
as the infrastructure here.

and to be honest, with Qt Designer files it's pretty easy to do slick 
configuration dialogs in JS or Ruby. i'm sure it's the same or similar in 

Aaron J. Seigo
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