[Panel-devel] Superkaramba User Input

A. Wiedenbruch mail at wiedenbruch.de
Thu Jun 16 00:59:33 CEST 2005


I worked on getting user input from a superkaramba widget.
Basically it is working now, but there is still much that can be done.

To get user input the karamba widget has to be active, like a normal window.
Themes that don't want to get user input are still running passive in on the 
desktop background.

A. Wiedenbruch
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KARAMBA x=0 y=0 w=100 h=50 INTERVAL=1000 LOCKED=true
DEFAULTFONT font="Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize=16 color=200,200,200

INPUT x=0 y=0 w=100 h=25 name=input01
TEXT x=0 y=30 w=100 h=25 name=output01
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