[Panel-devel] Patch: sort taskbar entries by position in kmenu

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed Jun 8 03:10:15 CEST 2005

On Tuesday 07 June 2005 04:43, Fred Schaettgen wrote:
> AFAIK kicker in trunk sorted taskbar items by application name a while ago.


> According to Stefan Nikolaus the tasks were sorted strictly by name until
> some other changes broke it

which changes, exactly? showTaskContainer?

> Currently new items are appended to the end of 
> the task list unless there is another instance of the same application
> running already.

looking at the code, yes, i can see why. due to the showTaskContainer code. 
what should PROBABLY happen is sortContainersByDesktop  should be just called 
sortContainers and inside it should check for m_sortByDesktop and do the 
right sorting there. trying to get away without sorting in _some_ 
circumstances doesn't seem to be worth the breakages.

> intentional. Anyway, what I tried is to sort taskbar items in the order in
> which they appear in the kmenu. The idea is that we don't just group
> _equal_ applications, but also _similar_ applications.

> so what do you think? good? bad? irrelevant?

this breaks down easily and quickly. right now i have an OpenOffice submenu at 
the top of my k menu. Office is much further below. System and Utilities are 
gobbledy gook collections. not that it would matter much because i (and 
probably most people) don't tend to have too many of the same "kind" of app 
open at once.

the taskbar code is snaky (and slow) enough as it is. i'd rather go the other 
direction, actually, if possible. fix the bugs that are there and straighten 
it out.

Aaron J. Seigo
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